Saturday, June 16, 2007

now that I have done my assignment from week 1

The hardest thing for me is to create the goal and then not put it off till the end. I have the deadline in mind and will get it done. It just stresses out those around me who don't think that way and don't think I will get it done. And, I know that goal setting is supposed to challenge you and expand your horizons. I can't truly do this if I'm accomplishing my goal at the last minute.

I've been told that I'm a good teacher of new things/old things, etc. That seems like it would be my best way of learning. So, I hope to be able to assist others in this program because I will hopefully have figured it out/played with it and can go from there.

1 comment:

Lesa said...

You're right on time, Derek. We just finished Week 2. And the blog is lookin great!

I can tell you from several stressful experiences with team projects done for my online classes that the main thing that stresses out team members is if someone on the team runs late, but doesn't COMMUNICATE that to the team. So they don't know where you are.

That's actually true in the business world as well. People will be pretty patient as long as they can see some evidence of progress, but get very nervous if you don't update them.

But truly, you've always seemed to be on top of things, Derek, so what are you talking about?

- Lesa